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Territorial and maritime disputes

My 2023 book (with Krista E. Wiegand, Oxford University Press),The Peaceful Resolution of Territorial and Maritime Disputes, focuses on the management of interstate conflicts over territory and maritime areas via peaceful means such as adjudication, arbitration, mediation, and negotiations.


International law and domestic legal traditions

My work focuses on how domestic legal traditions, such as civil, common, and Islamic law impact the way that countries behave on the international arena, particularly towards international courts and other venues for peaceful resolution of disputes.

Domestic Law Goes Global: Legal Traditions and International Courts, (with Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, Cambridge University Press, 2011). 












The Islamic legal tradition and international law

Islamic Law and International Law: Peaceful Resolution of Disputes (Oxford University Press, 2020)


Reviewed in:

Journal of Peace Research, International Studies Review, Governance

American Journal of International Law, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 

 Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law (link) 

International Community Law Review

Perspectives on Politics

European Journal of Legal Studies

European Journal of International Law


Algeria - Law, Society and Power, 

United Kingdom - Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice

Bangladesh - BISS (Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies

Pakistan - Research Society of International Law Law Review

Oman - Al Tasamoh /Tolerance Magazine Book Supplement (Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman)

Oman -Al Tasamoh 

Qatar - Journal of International Review of Law (Qatar University)

Indonesia - Indonesian Journal of International Law

Iran - Islamic Studies Center of Iranian Parliament (Persian, English), Center for Strategic Studies (English)

India - Indian Journal of International Law

Jordan - Journal of Law and Political Science (English)

Egypt - Review of Economics and Political Science

Poland - Polish Yearbook of International Law

China - Chinese Journal of International Law

Serbia - Politics and Religion (Center for Study of Religion and Religious Tolerance)

Malaysia - Malaysian Journal of International Relations, Journal of Islamic Law


Reviews expected:

Journal of Islamic Studies

International Law School Journal (Kuwait)

Finish Yearbook of International Law

European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance

Cross-Cultural Human Rights Review

Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law

University of Notre Dame • Jenkins Nanovic Halls • Notre Dame, IN 46556


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